
2719 E. Madison St Suite 203
Seattle WA 98112

BALLARD- Inside Full Spectrum Fibroid and Endometriosis

6204 8th Ave NW

Seattle, WA 98107

5001 California Ave SW Suite 111
Seattle, WA 98136


Assortment of high vitamin B sources on white background: milk, liver, olive oil, tomatoes, prawns, peanuts, beef, spinach, salmon, keshew, cheese, eggs, haricot. Top view.

Check out this article on your liver and its connection to B vitamins. “Estrogen dominance” is a growing hot topic with neary 15,000 online searches every day! When we think about estrogen it’s natural to think about women but estrogen dominance applies to men too.

Dr Katie is a Naturopathic Physician at Glow Natural Health. She believes we are born with the strength and Photo of Dr Katie Ferree at Glow Natural Health Seattleability to heal ourselves when living within the laws of nature. In her free time, Dr. Katie enjoys going on roadtrips (31 states and counting!), seeing live music, spending time with her partner Joey, and finding fun ways to exercise like rollerblading and playing pickleball.