
2719 E. Madison St Suite 203
Seattle WA 98112

BALLARD- Inside Full Spectrum Fibroid and Endometriosis

6204 8th Ave NW

Seattle, WA 98107

5001 California Ave SW Suite 111
Seattle, WA 98136


Why Detox for Fertility?  

A detox diet can improve your fertility by cleansing your body. The pathways of detoxification including our digestion, liver, skin,Fertility Diet Seattle and urination can become sluggish and less efficient in ridding our bodies of toxins. This can in turn affect a variety of things including your fertility, breast health and future milk quality. It also affects hormones, overall reproductive health, mental health, digestion, skin and musculoskeletal (pain) complaints. Research has show that the state of a mother’s health before conception directly affects a baby’s genes.

Ancient medicine to treat a modern body

Traditional Medicine has a history of cleansing and acupuncture as a path toward greater health. Our environment and diets have become more and more polluted and un-natural. Processed foods, artificial colors and flavoring, environmental toxins, and hormones in our meats are just a few things that place a heavy burden on our body. Take charge of your fertility by improving your diet.

Cleansing improves your fertility by giving your body a break from additional chemicals coming in. This allows it to process and eliminate stored up toxins before you’re pregnant with your baby. This is particularly important for breast health and future milk quality, as breast tissue can store toxins that may be passed on to your child through breast feeding. Acupuncture can be done during this time to speed the cleansing process, increase energy, and support your immune system. Our focus is on providing your body with the best nutrition to prepare for pregnancy. The results are a healthier, happier mom to be, and a healthier, happier child.

Who should follow the Elemental Detox

We highly recommend a three week, food based cleanse in addition to acupuncture for those with fibroids, PMS, ovarian cysts, unexplained infertility, premature ovarian failure, PCOS, painful periods, luteal phase defect and irregular cycles. In some cases, the Elemental Cleanse may be indicated for those with anovulation/lack of periods.

Elemental Detox: Enhance Your fertility

We take the idea of detox and nutrition and reinterpret it through the lens of East Asian medicine to maximize fertility. This 3 week, food based cleanse, is an opportunity to prepare your body, habits and health for your future child. It supports your needs for individualized, optimal nutrition and prepares you for a healthier pregnancy. Do our detox on its own or in conjunction with acupuncture treatments.


Office visit with Lindsey J Lawson MS EAMP                              $80, billable through most insurances

Coaching, Detox Packet, recipes, and resources                 $45

Nutritional supplements                                                                Varies


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary.